Owner Manuals/Tutorials
Each Air-O-Lator product has a brochure complete with photos, performance data and suggested application details. Brochures available for download can be found below.
Display Fountain
Surface Aeration
Wastewater & Industrial Aeration
Inter-Mix Direct Drive Installation Instructions
InterMix - Submersible Mixer Brochure
InterMix - Submersible Mixer Direct Drive Spec Sheet
InterMix - Submersible Mixer Gear Reduced Spec Sheet
Enterprise Mixer Installation Instructions
Enterprise II - Submersible Aspirating Mixer Brochure
Enterprise II - Submersible Aspirating Mixer Floating Spec Sheet
Enterprise II - Submersible Aspirating Mixer Mast Mount Spec Sheet
Aquarian Professional Spec Sheet
Aquarian Commercial Spec Sheet
Aquarian Quantum Spec Sheet