Using CAD Details to Specify A Project

  • March 14, 2017

Airolator has been a part of the CAD Details database for over 3 years. CAD Details is an online site to which engineers, landscape architects, and specifiers subscribe so they can find products that will meet their project needs.

Through viewing our CAD details, designers can see how our products will fit into their projects. CAD details can help assist the designer in selecting the proper aerator or fountain or submersible mixer CAD drawing. Using CAD details, you can preview performance data, spray patterns, and horsepower specifications.

Viewing CAD drawings and specifications can help the landscape architect or engineer more accurately understand and select the product they will be specifying. It is important when specifying an aerator or fountain to recognize that the pictures on brochures or online may not be the same horsepower as what has been specified.