For most of us, stormwater management is not a typical topic we discuss over coffee, but stormwater affects us all. With the heavy snows this winter, warming temperatures, and spring storms, many of us may experience flooding.
Stormwater management starts at home. Storm runoff from our roofs is directed through gutters and away from our homes, and sometimes by installing rain barrels and using specific landscaping. In most natural settings, the soil absorbs much of the stormwater, but in developed areas, unmanaged stormwater can be disastrous. Unmanaged stormwater can cause flooding and contamination to our ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams.
Often in cities and urban areas, stormwater from roads, parking lots, and buildings generate more runoff than in undeveloped areas. This additional runoff causes flooding and erosion and collects pollutants (oil, gas, and debris) that are washed down into our sewer system, rivers, streams, ponds, lakes, and ocean.
Today, stormwater management is critical to maintaining our ecosystem, environment, and safety. Stormwater management is a multimillion-dollar industry and is very regulated.
One method of stormwater management that we see daily is retention basins, also known as flood control. A retention basin or flood control can be as simple as a low-lying ditch to a large concrete basin that holds millions of gallons of water. Basically, a retention basin is designed to retain stormwater runoff. This is done to reduce flooding, erosion and polluted water entering our tributaries.
Many residential and commercial urban developments will have retention basins to capture and hold stormwater. These are often ponds. Some are designed to continue to hold water and others are designed to quickly evaporate the water for the next storm. In both cases, aeration, mixing, and fountains are used to biologically treat the water to improve and maintain water quality, as well as promote evaporation.
If you have questions or water quality issues please contact us.