Category: Surface Aerators


Our Lakes and Streams Deserve Good Water

You hear the buzzwords. Sustainability. Clean. Ecosystem. Natural. Conservation. Healthy. But what does it all mean and is it just hype? What is water sustainability? “Today more than ever in our environmentally-challenged world, protecting and managing water, one of our most important natural resources, should be a top priority,”...
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Aquaculture: Auburn University Continues Long Relationship with Air-O-Lator

Auburn University Fisheries in Gulf Shores choose Air-O-Lator Aquarian surface aerators for their shrimp production research facility. The aquaculture aerator is a floating surface aerator specifically designed to increase oxygen levels in aquaculture applications. Proper aeration is essential for successful fish farming. Matching the right aeration system to your...
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Summer Aeration Practices 

We are just starting to enter into the hottest days of summer. Is your pond prepared to deal with the heat? Summer is a critical time for the ecosystem of your pond or lake. When water temps rise, oxygen levels dissipate quickly, and sunny days increase the evaporation rate,...
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Making the Most of Your Spring Tune-Up

The way to achieve a balanced aquatic ecosystem begins with aeration and water movement. Your Air-O-Lator equipment is engineered to provide high oxygen rates as well as moving large volumes of water. Keep your Air-O-Lator fountains and aerators in tip-top shape with regular maintenance and tune-ups. Prior to installing...
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Parks & Rec: Keep Water Clean and Beautiful

At most parks across the country, managers deal with water quality problems in their water impoundments. Air-O-Lator receives numerous calls regarding these issues and regardless of the situation, increasing oxygen levels and mixing are two of the most important factors needed to improve water quality. Every body of water...
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Air-O-Lator: Made in America for over 45 years

Air-O-Lator Corporation has been a manufacturer of water and wastewater equipment since 1967. Since that time, Kansas City has been the headquarters for building complete lines of surface and sub-surface aerators, floating and non-floating fountains, floating and non-floating aspirating and submersible mixers for lagoons, ponds, lakes, and water treatment...
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YouTube Channel allows for viewing products in motion

A picture is worth a thousand words, but video is EVEN better. Air-O-Lator’s branded YouTube channel is designed for allowing customers the opportunity to view products in action or from multiple sides and in different applications. Click to view the latest video about the Font’N-Aire Fountain line.
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We are the pond experts

For over 40 years, the Air-O-Lator has been manufacturing Electric Aerators, Solar Pond Aerators, Aerating Fountain, Display Fountains, Surface Aeration, De-Icer, Mixers, and more for water treatment. If you have pond questions, product inquiries or questions about your Air-O-Lator product, please contact us.