Tag: aquaculture


Aquaculture: Auburn University Continues Long Relationship with Air-O-Lator

Auburn University Fisheries in Gulf Shores choose Air-O-Lator Aquarian surface aerators for their shrimp production research facility. The aquaculture aerator is a floating surface aerator specifically designed to increase oxygen levels in aquaculture applications. Proper aeration is essential for successful fish farming. Matching the right aeration system to your...
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E & J Fish Farm: Producing fish farming results with the right aerator

Water quality and health are important components for aquaculture facilities to successfully raise good quality fish. But simply aerating the water does not guarantee that the waterway is properly and efficiently oxygenated. Air-O-Lator Corporation recently worked with two hatcheries to modify their water aeration programs bringing about increased productivity...
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Matching the right aerator to your fish farming operation produces results

Water quality and health are important components for aquaculture facilities to successfully raise good quality fish. But simply aerating the water does not guarantee that the waterway is properly and efficiently oxygenated. Air-O-Lator Corporation recently worked with two hatcheries to modify their water aeration programs bringing about increased productivity...
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We are the pond experts

For over 40 years, the Air-O-Lator has been manufacturing Electric Aerators, Solar Pond Aerators, Aerating Fountain, Display Fountains, Surface Aeration, De-Icer, Mixers, and more for water treatment. If you have pond questions, product inquiries or questions about your Air-O-Lator product, please contact us.