Respecting Water on the Golf Course

  • April 27, 2017

Respecting Water on the Golf Course

Golf season is in full swing, so we’re offering three tips on how to manage and improve the water on your golf course.

Most bodies of water on a golf course are used for water management in irrigation. It’s important to take care of the water in these impoundments. Left untreated or unmanaged they can become not only an eyesore but can also cause damage to your irrigation systems and to your turf. Because golf course lawns are impeccably maintained, fertilizers, grass clippings and any other turf care products will be washed into the body of water from rains or watering. Remember, whatever goes into your irrigation ponds will end up on your turf.


Make your water a priority. The first step in improving water quality is aeration. This can be achieved with surface aerators, subsurface aeration or fountains. If you’re purchasing a fountain or aerator, make sure you select the correct product or products for the application and your needs. Air-O-Lator has a complete line of surface aerators, subsurface aerators, and fountains.

Every body of water already has an ecosystem. Introducing a fountain aeration system ill have a positive effect on that ecosystem.

Know Your Water

What’s in your water? Do you know the oxygen levels in your water ways? Do you know the biological oxygen demand of your ponds?

When excess fertilizers, or similar turf products and other biodegradables run off into bodies of water, nutrient levels will rise, which increases the biological oxygen demand. Without proper aeration and mix you will see an increase in algae blooms, decreased clarity and a septic odor.

Including a fountain or aerator in your water management systems is essential for water management irrigation, especially on golf courses. Fountains and aerators constantly move oxygen through bodies of water, keeping a healthy ecosystem. Reach out to an Air-O-Lator expert to find the best Air-O-Lator water system for you. 

Monitoring and Recording

Just as important as monitoring and recording what is happening with your turf, you should be monitoring and recording the water quality on your course. By monitoring and recording the status of bodies of water on your property, you will prevent damage to your turf and sprinkler systems. By monitoring your ponds often, you can be on top of any problems before they get out of hand—like clarity, algae, odor, sediment build up, or insufficient oxygen levels.

For assistance in selecting the correct system for your golf course, please contact Air-O-Lator’s experts, who have over 50 years of experience in aeration and mixing.