Cutrine Plus 1 Gallon
Cutrine Plus 1 Gallon is a 9% chelated copper algaecide for use in lakes, potable water reservoirs, farm ponds, fish and industrial ponds, fish hatcheries and raceways, crop and non-crop irrigation conveyance systems, ditches, canals, and laterals. Additionally, Cutrine Plus under field conditions, is effective in controlling a broad range of algae including Chara, Spirogyra, Cladophora, Vaucheria, Ulothrix, Microcystis, and Oscillatoria. Effective in hard water. You may use treated water for swimming, fishing, drinking, livestock watering, or irrigation immediately after treatment. Above all, application rates range from 0.6 to 1.2 gallons per acre foot of water treated.
Important information:
Far less corrosive and more stable than similar common algaecides. Water hardness will not reduce effectiveness. Begins to work on contact with algae.
Once contact is established, you will notice CUTRINE-PLUS Liquid beginning to work immediately to break down the algaes cellular structure and interrupt the ability to photosynthesize food. Controls Planktonic Algae in 24 to 48 hours, Filamentous Algae in 3 to 4 days.
Use CUTRINE-PLUS Liquid to easily control surface algae or algae growing within 3 feet of the surface. Begin application in spring as water temperature warms to 60º F and above.
Early treatment when growth first appears or begins to create a nuisance will reduce the amount of CUTRINE-PLUS Liquid you will need. Early treatment will also reduce the amount of dead growth.
Pond water Clean and Clear!
Control will last for several weeks to several months depending on local conditions. You may need several applications to maintain season long control. Retreat as re-growth begins to appear. Allow 1 to 2 weeks between consecutive treatments.
Heavy, out of control growth may require more than one application or physical removal to gain control. For best results, use under conditions of minimal water flow. Apply early on the morning of a calm, sunny day. In addition, contact time should be at least 3 hours.
CUTRINE-PLUS Liquid may be toxic to Trout if carbonate hardness of treated water is less than 50 ppm. Most surface waters exceed this limit and pose no threat. If in doubt, use the Water Hardness Test Strips. In conclusion, do not use in water containing Koi or hybrid Goldfish.
To apply, you need to determine the volume of water to be treated in acre-feet. Use 1 gallon of CUTRINE-PLUS Liquid per 1.5 acre-feet of water. Dilute with a minimum of 9 parts water. Spray uniformly over the water surface with a Sprayer. Additionally, allow material to rain down in coarse droplets for better surface penetration.
You can improve contact with algae by breaking apart heavy surface mats before application. Treat heavy infestations in sections to avoid oxygen depletion.
No water use restrictions.
* Cannot be shipped to California, Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Oregon or Washington
* We cannot ship Cutrine Plus 1 Gallon to Canada
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What Should You Choose?
To clear or clean your pond, bacteria packs and clarifiers are both useful options. Although clarifiers are effective, using skimmers to remove large debris like leaves and branches can speed up the process. Additionally, choosing the right product for your specific issue is important. For example, muck pellets are designed to target sludge buildup at the bottom of your pond. On the other hand, pond clarifiers can clear up excess phosphorous and soil particles to give you clearer water. Bacteria packs are also effective at eliminating bad bacteria and organic material from both the surface and bottom of the pond, and they typically dissolve within minutes of treatment. Ultimately, selecting the appropriate product for your needs can help you achieve the best results.
Pond Clarifiers
You’ll be able to find pond clarifiers packaged as big as 10 pounds per bucket. This amount should be enough to treat a large pond or even a lake. This product works by tying up excess phosphorous and soil particles in the water. The result will give you clearer water. Since this product’s base is aluminum sulfate and rids the water of soil particles that are suspended, water treatment plants tend to use this alternative with great success.
Bacteria Pack
The bacteria pack is similar to the muck pellets because they work to rid the water of bad bacteria. However, a bacteria pack can work great for both the surface and the bottom of the pond. The product is environmentally friendly and will also work to break down organic material found in your water. Bacteria packs will usually dissolve within five or ten minutes of treating the water.