Pond Dye 101

  • March 29, 2023
Pond Dye 101 - Air-O-Lator - Pond Aeration & Maintenance Products

While using a pond colorant or pond dye to control the algae development levels in your pond, you should utilize adequate dye to obstruct the light that the algae need for photosynthesis. Algae development is similar to plants in that it depends upon photosynthesis for growth. Therefore, algae can’t keep on growing if you eliminate the light. As you know, each pond is one of a kind, and there is no generic answer for how much dye you ought to put in your pond, yet we have two or three suggestions to help you with figuring out the ideal amount.

Instructions to decide how much pond dye you want

The most crucial stage in figuring out how much dye to use is to sort out how much water you have in your pond. To do this, you need to know your pond’s average depth and the area it covers. Knowing how large your pond is and its typical depth will let you know the number of acre-feet your pond is. From here, you can start to have an understanding of how much pond dye to add. For example, All Natural Dark Blue Pond Dye is designed to cover 4-6 acre-feet of water per bottle. Of course, depending on the size, your pond could require more dye.

Could you eyeball it?

Another technique for seeing whether you are using suitable pond dye is if you have a pond of 18-24″ to look at. To stop the growth of algae, you would prefer not to see the lower part of your pond at a depth of 18-24″. We suggest adding a small amount of pond dye over a few hours or days until you cannot see the base. You can add more dye to help with keeping the sunlight off the lower part of the pond, assuming that you want it.

We propose keeping a pond dye in your pond all year since, if your pond freezes solid, algae can turn into a more concerning issue. Algae development can continue to foster under frozen ponds. Keeping pond dye in your pond can help prevent algae development and advancement over time.