It almost sounds crazy but did you know that in central Texas, there is actually a need to “winterize” your pond? It’s true! Even though the temperatures have dropped, it’s vital to the health of your pond in the fall and winter to keep up with its maintenance. Additionally, maintaining your pond now will set you up for success in the spring and summer.
So how do you prepare your pond for the cooler Texas months? By keeping unfavorable pond microbes at bay with the help of Air-O-Lator’s beneficial pond bacteria. It’s a common misconception that certain pond microbes that affect the health of the pond water as well as the overall aesthetics die off in the cold. This unfortunately is not true. Your pond still needs to be maintained during the cooler months and the best way to help keep bad pond microbes away is with pond muck pellets.
Ponds Never Stop Needing Maintenance
Even if you live in a low-traffic area with few animals and critters around, your pond can still attract as well as develop muck that can be harmful to the pond’s overall health. Simply put, muck builds up when there is an overload of dead, decaying plant material, excessive algae blooms, or if the environment is not suitable for healthy pond bacteria activity.
Beyond these factors, pond bacteria-affecting muck is also influenced by materials that find their way into your pond such as blowing debris, such as grass clippings, twigs, leaves, and runoff from surrounding areas. As this cache of organic waste decays, it breaks down into slime, also known as muck. Typically, a pond will produce beneficial pond bacteria that will fight off these unfavorable pond microbes however, a pond can be overwhelmed by these materials which is where pond muck pellets come into play.
It’s Okay to Incorporate Some Man-Made Help in Your Pond
Adding in a cleansing component to a pond can feel a bit like cleaning a pool, which is less than ideal when it comes to preserving nature. However, that’s exactly what pond muck pellets do! Pond muck pellets are strengthened with specialized bacterial strains, each containing sludge eating bacteria that are designed to drive down to the muck and organic matter where it is its most potent.
In addition to eliminating bad pond bacteria, pond muck pellets also break down adverse pond microbes. They also remove odor causing muck from a variety of areas such as swimming ponds, docks and on beaches. When it comes to your outdoor water sources, the pond muck pellets we carry here at Air-O-Lator can alleviate any issues that may be wreaking havoc on them.
It’s Always a Good Time to Focus on The Health of Your Pond
When it comes to your pond’s winter maintenance, Air-O-Lator carries a variety of pond muck pellets to properly clean and maintain your pond or any other outdoor water resource. Our products are designed to ensure your pond is being fed everything it needs to maintain its aesthetics. To learn more about our products, product specials and services, contact us today at 866.471.1614!